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The Phenomenon of Identifying that You Are Losing Hair on Crown Male

December 6, 2020

Male crown balding is one of the signs of aging that do not happen overnight. This means that to most men, losing hair at the crown is a gradual process. The good thing is that you can stop this process, but only if you realize that you are expecting hair loss at the crown. Simply, the earlier you realize that you are losing hair on crown male, the more you will be able to prevent more hair loss.

Identifying that you have hair loss is not a very easy task for many men. At times, some of the signs of hair loss that people will give you will be misleading, and you may confuse hair loss for anything else. For instance, some men will confuse losing hair on the crown male with hair damage. When you know the real hair loss signs, it will be easier for you to know that you are having hair loss at the crown. The following are some of how you can tell that you are losing hair on the crown.

Some changes in the hairline

This is one of the most obvious signs that you are likely to notice when you have hair loss on the crown. This is because balding will always begin in your hairline as the flat hairline turn to be M-shaped. Some changes will be noticed on the temples and crown since they begin to thin in other people.

One way to tell that your hairline is changing is by comparing two photos that you took at different times. If there has been hair loss, there will be an evident change in your hairline when comparing these two photographs. When you realize a change in your hairline, you need to ensure that you take the required action as fast as you can.

Evident hair thinning

Not all males will become balded from the hairline. Some men will experience diffuse thinning, including losing hair on the entire scalp or some parts of the head like the crown. This will never affect the hairline, but instead,

balding will begin from the top or to the head’s back. Whenever you compare two photographs, you will also notice that you are experiencing hair thinning.

Too much hair loss after brushing or taking a shower

It is very normal for you to lose hair when you brush, comb, or even shower. When it happens, people will not think that they are experiencing any problems with their hair. However, excessive hair loss after combing, brushing, or showering is associated with hair loss on the crown.

You need to know that there is nothing wrong with you if you experience temporary hair loss or shed hair for up to two days. This is because several causes bring about hair loss. The hair loss becomes more serious if you lose so much hair every time you comb, shower, or brush. It could be because you are losing hair on crown male. The more you continue losing hair, the more the bald forms in your crown.

Hair takes a long time to grow

One effect of losing hair on the crown male is that the hair growth cycle is likely to decrease. This means that it takes the hair a very long time for it to grow when you shave your hair. When you are losing hair on crown male, the follicles will begin to become dormant, making the hair shed instead of growing.

Itchy scalp

When you begin losing hair on crown male, you should expect to have an itchy scalp. However, this can also be a condition that contributes to hair loss. When you have an itching scalp, you are likely to keep on scratching your head, which will damage the hair follicles encouraging the hair to fall out. In case you have an itchy scalp, you need to make sure that you see a dermatologist so that you can get some treatment to prevent losing more hair on the crown male. 

Always be keen with your head to realize when you are losing hair on crown male. The above are the signs that you need to look out for and if they are evident, know that you are losing hair on the crown. When you do this, you will be able to prevent the same condition.

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