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Does ken burns wear a toupee?

January 24, 2022

Television celebrities are always under the observation of their fans and even small changes about their appearances catch the attention of people and these minor changes can make them idol to follow for their best styles, or they can also turn into a meme to laugh on. That’s why celebrities put a lot of effort to stay fit and to maintain physical appearance including their haircuts or hair colors. To avoid any kind of criticism, celebrities keep themselves updated to trending fashion but sometimes thy mess up and become a hot topic to gossip.

Same thing happened with famous American filmmaker Ken Burns when he changed his hairstyle after so long that some people that he is wearing a wig or a toupee. 

Who is Ken Burns?

Ken Burns who is well known for his award-winning series and documentaries based on various topics such as baseball, jazz, the Shakers, national parks, and the civil war. And how can we forget his bowl cut which he kept for so long it actually became his trademark.

Story behind Ken Burns Hairs?

Few years back in a newspaper article that was published under the name of the removable piece on the top of a Lego figure that in 1975, Ken Burns used to have long hair, but his hairdresser messed it up and made them short. Ken Burns still goes to the same hairdresser, and he didn’t change his hair after that. It is heard that he goes to the house of same hairdresser for the trim even after she has retired. It is said about Kens Burns’ hair that it is one of the reliable and constant things in this uncertain world, and it was considered that it would never change in near future, but we can never be sure about changes and one of those changes was Ken Burns’ hair.

In recent interviews and shows, the appearance of Ken Burns was exactly different from his past appearance as he changed his short bangs into long flowing locks. Different people have different remarks about it some said that Ken Burns hair looks awful, and they were not ready for such change, but some said that lockdown hair change favored Ken Burns a lot and welcomed him to hair improved by lockdown team and said that they are happy to have him. 

On the other hand, there are also some people think that Ken Burns is wearing a wig or toupee just to look different and new.

The famous filmmaker new hairstyle was an expected shock for many of us, but it was a pleasant change and look unexpectedly good. The filmmaker also confirmed in his latest interview that he is liking this new change in his hair after so long and also that he is being going to the same hairdresser since 1975 and there are no chances that he is changing his hairdresser. 

Does ken burns wear a toupee?

The long flowing hair of Ken Burns became center of attention when some people started to say that they are not real, and he is wearing a wig. It is normal for people who are used to public attention because they know they are always in the eyes of people and the audience is always ready to point out even the minor flaws. As COVID made a lot of changes in our lives so staying at home made a lot of people to make changes in their personalities and even celebrities and public bodies make massive changes in them during quarantine and some changes were liked by their audience and some celebrities even got criticism for those changes. 

But who cares until it is liked by themselves. Ken Burns reaction was same when he was asked about his new hairstyle that would he change it or not. To the reply of which he said he is not sure what will happen when things will go back to normal after quarantine.

Last Words

Celebrity’s hair and dressing has always been a center of attention for everyone and its normal for both celebrities and audience to talk about something for some days. 

And after some days there is something new to gossip about just as now we have Ken Burns’s hair and everyone is concerned whether they are real or fake and tomorrow we will have some other celebrity. But it is always fun to gossip about these little changes and in this way audience remain invested in their celebrities’ life and feel more connected to them.

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