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We Can Give You Help to Deal with Your Receding Hairline

January 28, 2021

Many people, men and women alike start noticing a receding hairline or reduced hair density with age. Hair loss with age is completely natural. However, if that hair loss becomes a lot more frequent and the severity increases, it gets worrisome. More than 40% of men start suffering from hair loss conditions in their late 20s. This happens due to a genetic condition and is known as male pattern baldness. The scientific term for this condition is called androgenic alopecia. 

According to scientific research, a specific hormone called testosterone causes the hair cycle to weaken. This results in the hair follicles growing weaker and thinner and eventually stops growing at all. Some parts of the scalp loose hair earlier than the rest, typically the crown and the hairline. The age and severity of the hair loss depend highly on the genes and parentage.

The very first symptom of male pattern baldness in men’s hair thinning in front of the crown of your head. Before making any decisions or assuming that your hair loss is male pattern baldness, always consult with the doctor. Unfortunately, sometimes the hair loss could be due to a serious medical condition.

Symptoms of Male Pattern Baldness 

Male pattern baldness is easier to treat and take care of if caught early on. It is good to keep track of your hair density and overall health if there’s a baldness family history. Men’s hair thinning in front is the most noticeable symptom of androgenic alopecia. This can start in young men any time after puberty, but in most cases, it only starts by the time men are reaching 30s. The hair usually starts thinning at the temples, and the hairline slowly recedes until it reaches the crown.

Another noticeable pattern of a receding hairline is hair loss in the form of V. this form is a lot less noticeable and easier to hide and style. 

The Best Treatment for a Receding Hairline 

When you read the word toupee, a tacky looking old fashioned hair cluster comes to your mind. Well, that is so not the case anymore. Men’s hairpieces and toupees are considered the industry staple at this point. These hairpieces now come in many shapes and forms. Ranging from different sizes and colors to have the option of covering different parts of the scalp.

These toupees are quite easy to attach and remove and can be designed or customized just how you like. They provide you with the most natural look and a healthy hair look. It is an amazing and economical option for people dealing with light hair or complete hair loss. Hair replacement systems help you regain a younger, healthier, and fuller look.

Before a person invests in a hairpiece, they have the option to look through many options, techniques, and manufacturing methods. These hairpieces can be customized easily according to your needs. Aside from the fashion aspects of it, there are many more practical reasons to prefer hairpieces over medications or surgeries. They can be made to wear partially on the sides or on the top of your head.

1. Non-invasive and painless: 

The one thing every person would want to avoid, especially with a technically harmless condition, is pain. Along with hair transplant, surgery comes with a series of problems such as pain, risk of infections, blood, and multiple invasive procedures.  In many cases, hair transplant surgeries result in scars. Hairpieces are easy to attach and take off and come with the advantage of no pain during the wearing or the attachment process. 

2. Results guaranteed:

Other hair loss medications such as rogaine or Propecia don’t have long-lasting efforts. Moreover, these medications only work when taken in regular doses. Similarly, hair transplant surgery could take up to 16 months to show any results. In many cases, the hair transplant fails, and the conditions can worsen. Contrary to all these risk factors, a hairpiece has 100% guaranteed results. There’s nothing that can go wrong when you choose to wear a hairpiece. Ther might be a bit tricky to handle when you first start, but you’ll get a handle only after the first few tries. 

3. Economy friendly:

None of the medications or treatments such as laser or hair transplant surgeries falls under the insurance bills. Therefore these procedures can be very heavy on the wallet. The prices for surgery can range anywhere from 15 to 50 thousand dollars. A hairpiece on the other side can cost in hundreds only. There are, of course, options available that can make your wig cheaper or more expensive. Regardless none will still get anywhere near what these medications can cause.

Choosing Your Hairpiece 

These hair systems come in many variations regarding both base and fiber. There are hairpieces available made from real human hair, which are in excellent condition. Wigs made from natural hair can be treated, dyed, and styled with heated tools. The other kind of wigs is made from synthetic fiber. They are easier to wash and take care of but cannot be treated with chemicals or heat. These are, however, a lot cheaper than the ones made with real hair.

You can find your own choice of hairpiece here, which is lavivid, customized just to your liking. We have many options available for you to choose from, as well as get your hairpiece customized from out the website!