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What Need to Consider before Using French Lace Men’s Hair Piece

February 4, 2021

If you are thinking of getting a French lace men’s hairpiece, there are a few things you should know. For those who are already hair system users, they will already know what it takes to find the right French hairpiece. But if you are a newbie, this can be a bit confusing. If this is the case, you do not have to worry. In this piece, we will guide you through what you need for best buy.

Tips you should never forget

● How will the hair get tied to the hairpiece?

Do not buy a French hair system that is machine tied. Even though machine-made systems are more affordable, they cannot be as good as handmade hairpieces. On the weft systems, you will be able to see the hairlines as against the individual hairs that grow out from the scalp. Note that weft systems do not flow. The whole idea is that even though hand-knotted hair systems are more costly, they appear more natural as though it is your real hair growing from the scalp.

● What is the type of hair that should get used?

A typical French lace men’s hairpiece comes in two distinct variants. These include synthetic and human hair. The majority of men go for hair type based on cost. You should also factor in the length of the hair and what you intend to use it for daily. For instance, if you desire long hair, do not go for synthetic hair because the fibers tend to fray within a year. Also, if you cook a lot, you should not go for synthetic French hair piece lace.

Human hair is a perfect option and it looks very natural and it is easy to style and you will be able to use about any tool for styling. Before you buy human hair, ensure the thickness, and density tallies with yours.

● Which attachment method can I use?

The three most popular methods are adhesive tape, liquid adhesive, and clip-on. You ought to select a method based on how much activity you engage in and the frequency of maintenance you want to do per time. Regardless of the method you adopt, ensure your hairpiece is comfortable and secure. The most natural options are adhesive or bonded systems.

1. Adhesive tape: even though the tape is easier to apply, they often hold for a short period. If you intend to remove the hair system more frequently, you may want to use tape. Adhesive tapes often come in diverse strength levels for both long and short term wearers. To know the strength of the tape, look at the construction and strength.

2. Liquid adhesive: These come in water-based and solvent-based combinations. The solvent-based formulas are often more popular because they can better hold the hairpiece. Liquid adhesives are also easier to use at home.

3. Clips-on: These ensure you can wear the French lace men’s hairpiece for a longer period. The drawback with clip-on is that they may lead to the hair falling out as a result of traction of clipping on the same place.

● How do I get my desired look?

One of the core factors to consider before you select a hairpiece its base design. The desired hairstyle shows the type of base you ought to select. For instance, if you desire to have your off your face, you should get a lace front system. To give your French lace hairpiece a natural look, the system has to match the hair density on the sides of the head. If the front hairline ought to meet the hair on the side of the temples with a minor recession.

You must let your stylist know your wants before you buy the hair system.

● What is the price?

Before you buy a hairpiece, ensure you understand the programs and prices. If you are a first-time wearer, ensure to buy a single system instead of a monthly program to make sure you are getting the right thing. Also, make sure that the salon has a system that fits your budget and lifestyle.

Final thoughts

Several questions arise before you buy a French lace men’s hairpiece. Note that there are different options available for you based on your preference and budget.